Friday, January 16, 2009

Till Death Do Us Apart

I raise my eyes to the heavens,
A cluster of rain droplets land on my face,
The feelings locked so tightly within,
Swell and threaten to succeed in their escape,

The tears from the sky slowly slide,
Along the stubborn contours of my cheek,
My heart is in my hands- I'm on a ride so thrilling,
And frightening, it has robbed me of the ability to speak,

Footsteps behind me cause me to spin,
A shadow across the ground is all I can see,
You step from the forest wearing a wide grin,
That disappears when you view the depth of my love,

A somber look is in your cobalt blue eyes,
You take my hands in yours,
Cobalt blue eyes meet dark chocolate ones,
And I realize... we are one,

We are one in our love for each other,
Your soul and mine together, forever,
Never will I love another,
A smile crosses my lips softly,

As I drown in the depths of your soul,
You bring me close to your body,
Your lips brush my ear ever so softly,
"Never despair, my love, for I am always with you",

Just before your mouth closes on mine,
I whisper, "I love you",
You reply, "I will always love you",
And with those words, our love is sealed in a kiss,

As the rain slides down my face,
I love you, always and forever,
Till death do us apart.


You're an angel that nobody can see,
Still, an angel is what you are to me,
An angel from heaven is what you are,
In my sky you're definitely a heavenly star,

You're an angel with beauty and grace,
You're kind and sweet, you've an angel face,
You have very graceful angel wings,
Happiness, joy, and love are just some things,

That an angel can give, and to me you've given,
In my heart and on my mind, is where you're livin',
You have hair that is as soft as cotton,
A guardian angel is what I've gotten,

Your eyes are like sapphires that shine bright,
When everything is dark, you give me light,
You're an angel that gives me a reason to live,
You're the angel that teaches me to give,

You're the angel that makes me live another day,
You're the angel that teaches me the right things to say,
You're my angel and you'll always care,
You're my angel and you know I'll always be there.

A Thing About You

There is something about you that I cannot explain,
Although I do not know you there is something there all the same,
I wish I could define it, I wish I knew,
Why these thoughts of you haunt me through and through,

There is something about you that so intrigues me,
I wish I could tell you, I wish you could see,
But how can I tell you something I do not know,
And how can you see something I cannot show,

There is something about you that puts me in a state,
And all I can do is think of your face,
I think of things that we could do,
And wonder if you could love me like I know I could love you.

Drunk With Your Love

Everything seems to be moving so slowly,
It is like I have been here before,
I see your lips move and then hear your voice,
Like electric lightening that blinds my eyes,
Then the clap of thunder that deafens my ears,

What is small is now huge, a Mount Everest to scale,
What is large seems like it could fit on the edge of a needle,
What is right seems wrong, and what is wrong is so right,
Who wrote the book on what is and what can’t be?

When I am without you,
A day is as a thousand years,
A week like an eternity,
To live without you would be my certain death,
With no heaven or promise of angels,

It is a dream, with no control,
I am a spectator confused with what I see,
What appears to be… really doesn’t exist,
And what exists doesn’t seem to appear,

Emotion clouds my decisiveness,
The hard wax of my heart has melted,
My legs and arms tingle with the lack of air,
I am suffocating with pleasure,

Trying to speak,
Trying to see,
Trying to hear,
Trying to reason,

I have become drunk with your love,
My legs stagger with each step I take,
When I find my voice,
I can’t seem to get the words out right,

The only words I can say,
Like the song “What a wonderful world”,
And, what they say in the song is,
“I love you!”.

Madly In Love With You

If you want to be with me,
Just let me know,
I cannot read you mind my dear,
You have to tell me so,

You take a chance in telling me,
But it’s a chance that you must take,
For I may just feel the same way dear,
So come and swing my way,

Announce you feelings to me,
I swear that you won’t cry,
For I won’t ever hurt you girl,
You’re the best thing in my life,

So obviously you know now,
That my feelings are so true,
And now you now just how I feel,
For I am madly in love with you.

Give Me A Chance

I look into your face and all I see is pain,
If you let me in your life you will have a lot to gain,
Don't push me away,
Because I am here to stay,
Let's open our heart,
And you will see nothing will take us apart,

I look into your heart and I see a rainfall of tears,
Don't worry baby, I'm here to calm your fears,
I know it's easy to say "Forget your past",
Don't hold on to it too long will let something good fly by fast,
I know you have had a lot of broken promises,
I'm not here to make another, I can't control my love, it over-rises,

I look into your soul and I see a frightened girl,
Give me a chance to be part of your life and I will bring you joy,
Let go of that selfish pride,
I want to be right by your side,
Take my hand,
And I'll take you to a distant land,

I look into your body and I see someone pure,
Let go of your past and the scars I will cure,
My love is pure like a white rose,
Let our love grow and it will never decompose,

I look into your eyes and I see a flame,
What I am offering is no game,
I will fight against whatever comes in my way,
As I am part of your life you will know this is true day by day,
Finding each other is like finding a pot of gold,
Forever and ever, our love will never grow old.

I Never...

I never saw...
Until I looked into your eyes...

I never heard...
Until you whispered my name...

I never felt...
Until you held my hand...

I never loved...
Until you opened my heart...

Forever Yours

I sometimes feel my heart will burst,
From wanting you so much,
I can't explain in words of how
I long to feel your touch,
There is no way I can convey,
This emptiness inside,
That seems to tear my soul to shreds,
As time goes swiftly by,
If I could merely hold you near,
For just a little while,
If I could simply talk with you,
Or only see you smile,
To have you look into my eyes,
And wait to hear you say,
Something that would help me,
To take this pain away,
If I have to wait forever,
I guess that's what I'll do,
For me, it will be worth it,
To finally be with you.

Only You

The wind blows the waves against the rocks;
We wrap around each other's arms,
Listening to the sounds this quiet evening makes,
Watching the stars as they cover the clear night sky.
You hold my face to yours and whisper sweetly,
"Honey, I love you."

I always love the way you say that.
I love the way you smile, when I get serious
And when you laugh,
The way you talk,
The way you look,
The way you say things...Makes my heart skip a beat.

All the wonderful things you say and do,
Reminds me of a dream I never thought would come true.
When you walked into my life,
I realized it's you I'll love
I'll cherish,
I'll be with all my lifeIt's only you... forever it will only be you.