Friday, January 16, 2009

Give Me A Chance

I look into your face and all I see is pain,
If you let me in your life you will have a lot to gain,
Don't push me away,
Because I am here to stay,
Let's open our heart,
And you will see nothing will take us apart,

I look into your heart and I see a rainfall of tears,
Don't worry baby, I'm here to calm your fears,
I know it's easy to say "Forget your past",
Don't hold on to it too long will let something good fly by fast,
I know you have had a lot of broken promises,
I'm not here to make another, I can't control my love, it over-rises,

I look into your soul and I see a frightened girl,
Give me a chance to be part of your life and I will bring you joy,
Let go of that selfish pride,
I want to be right by your side,
Take my hand,
And I'll take you to a distant land,

I look into your body and I see someone pure,
Let go of your past and the scars I will cure,
My love is pure like a white rose,
Let our love grow and it will never decompose,

I look into your eyes and I see a flame,
What I am offering is no game,
I will fight against whatever comes in my way,
As I am part of your life you will know this is true day by day,
Finding each other is like finding a pot of gold,
Forever and ever, our love will never grow old.

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