Thursday, June 19, 2008

Trapped Insise

Somethings can't be expressed,
Somethings are better unsaid,
Somethings just need to be suppressed,
Somethings are better of dead,

Some animals left untouched,
Some feelings left unexpressed,
Some pains left unreleased,
Some beasts left unleashed,

But these feelings stay stuck inside,
And at times come outside,
When anger and pain coincide,
Cuz they've been Trapped Inside...

Some cry for lost ones,
Some cry for love,
Some cry cuz they're hurt,
But when this pain comes out,
And shows its demonic face,
The people who gave pain are the ones who get pain,

But sometimes when the pain is released,
The force of life dies out,
And thats when the wait starts again,
The wait which has no limit,
But continues as long as,
The pain and anger get Trapped Inside...


AriS said...

Nice to see that u blog......check out my blog sometimes....

loony girl said...

nice stuff.. i like the flow.. u shud write more poetry!!

The unspoken Verses said...

The pain is inside.. it has to be there.. else.. we can't be what we are.. and the pain is there..
else.. off what shall this poetry come out?..
