Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Something I Wrote For My Mum...

You are the one who gave birth to me,
You are the one who is dearest to me,
You are the one who showed me whats right and whats wrong,
You are the one, mum, who has been with me all along,

We bore all the pains they gave us,
We have shown them that victors are not them, but us,
We have said harsh words to one another,
But the bond we share is the greatest among others,

From the day I opened my eyes,
I knew I could reach the sky,
Cuz there was always someone beside me,
Who's been working her guts out for me,

You've been there for me,
You've known whats right for me,
But no matter how naughty I've been,
You've always forgiven me,

Don't leave me ever, I shall die without you,
In your absence, I keep longing for you,
No matter what I've done without telling you,
Mum, you know it, I have and shall always love you.

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